Our Operational Crew work under extremely intense and often challenging conditions, where their experience and training is paramount to a successful mission.

Down the wire
Down the wire duties training provides the necessary information to allow a NSW Ambulance Paramedics, Medical Crew or Aircrew Officers to safely undertake the hoisting role in a helicopter operated by the Westpac Rescue Helicopter Service. Our crews winch over land and water in order to send medical assistance down to a casualty when access is limited, and to winch out of areas where access is unavailable.

Night Vision Goggles (NVG)
Night Vision Goggles (NVG) training provides crews with information about head-mounted night vision enhancement devices, otherwise known as Night Vision Goggles. These devices use image intensifying technology to amplify ambient light sufficiently for images to be seen through the NVG eyepiece as a monochromatic shades of green image. This training and technology allows crews to fly at night.

Human Factors
Human Factors training aligns with CASA requirements which defines human factors as – issues influencing the way people perform their work. They include such aspects as social and personal skills, communication, and decision-making. These human factor elements complement Westpac Rescue Helicopter Service technical skill requirements and are important for safe and efficient aviation.

As a CASA Part 145 authorised maintenance organisation, the Westpac Rescue Helicopter Service utilise licenced aircraft maintenance engineers with Nationally Accredited Aero skills qualifications. Our highly skilled engineering department is committed to excellence by sustaining the highest standards of safety, quality and airworthiness to maintain the availability of our aircraft.

The safety and wellbeing of our staff and the community is of utmost priority which is why our training team take great pride in ensuring all our staff are highly trained, well equipped and skilled at what they do. To maintain our high safety ratings, ongoing training is conducted regularly. This ensures the skills learnt not only benefit the work we do, but also guarantees a high level of health and safety when we are out in the community. The training our employees undertake includes: Fire and Emergency, First Aid, Infection Control, Advanced Resuscitation, Manual Handling and Spill Response.