Wills Week

1st February 2021 Central Coast Community Fundraising
Wills Week

Over 60 solicitors across Northern NSW are donating 100% of their time and support to the Westpac Rescue Helicopter Service’s ‘Wills Week’ initiative taking place from 22-26 March.

Wills Week enables people to book an appointment to have a new simple* Will drafted or update an existing one. The booking fee of $125 for individuals or $225 for couples, is donated in full to the Service with those who book getting the benefit of a professionally drafted Will at a greatly reduced price, while also helping the Rescue Helicopter to save lives in their local community.

Having an up to date Will is very important with Wills Week helping people to prepare a Will while also having the option to consider the gift of a bequest. For charities such as the Rescue Helicopter Service, receiving the support of bequest is not taken lightly, as the Service understands the importance of the decision that has been made by the donor. The Service sees the gift of a bequest as an incredible act of generosity with the gift being a lasting legacy that gives back to our community.

For many people now from all walks of life, once they have provided for their loved ones in their Will, many are choosing to also leave a gift in their Will, large or small to help make a difference. The gift of a bequest can be a nominated amount, a percentage of an estate or even an allotment of shares. Importantly, all support given to the Rescue Helicopter stays locally and directly supports local bases in Newcastle, Tamworth or Lismore.
Privacy is respected at all times, with information relating to peoples Wills strictly confidential between the applicant and the solicitor.

Bookings are made online via . Once made, the applicant completes an information form which captures the details they would like to have set out in their Will. They then lodge the form with the solicitor’s office at least 7 days prior to their appointment date, enabling the solicitor to pre-draft their Will in readiness for the applicant to review and sign at their appointment.

Westpac Rescue Helicopter CEO, Richard Jones OAM commented “We are really excited and so thankful for the support being given by over 60 solicitors stretching from the Central Coast, Hunter, New England and Northern NSW who have made their time available to help us launch Wills Week in 2021”.

Online bookings close on 26th February. For more information please call 1800 155 155 or email

*Booking does not cover the drafting of Power of Attorney documents or complex Wills.