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Wills Week

Bookings have now closed for our current Mar/April round of Wills Week. To be added to our waitlist to receive updates on when our next round will open in the second half of 2025 please click HERE.

For further enquiries please call 02 6623 7300 or email willsweek@rescuehelicopter.com.au

Wills Week is a great opportunity to have a professional solicitor in your local area provide advice to establish your first Will or update an existing one at a greatly reduced price ($135 single or $250 couple).

Please note, your booking does not cover the drafting of any other estate planning documentation, including Power of Attorney or Enduring Guardian documents.

We thank our participating Wills Week solicitors below who donate their time and booking fee to help us to save lives.

RegionSolicitor NameSuburbPhone Number
Central CoastSeton Family LawyersERINA4397 4797
Central CoastPeninsula LawWOY WOY4343 3000
Central CoastRyan & Ryan LawyersTOUKLEY4397 1500
Clarence ValleyConroy Stewart Spagnolo SolicitorsMACLEAN6645 2044
Clarence ValleyFoott Law & CoGRAFTON6642 1900
Clarence ValleyPollack Greening & HampshireGRAFTON6642 3411
Coffs CoastBryant McKinnon LawyersCOFFS HARBOUR6651 8440
Coffs CoastCoastal Law & ConveyancingCOFFS HARBOUR6651 1993
Coffs CoastCopeland Estates LegalBELLINGEN1300 034 487
Coffs CoastCopeland Estates LegalURUNGA1300 034 487
Coffs CoastMbt LawyersCOFFS HARBOUR6648 7600
Coffs CoastRobson & OliverSAWTELL6653 1755
Coffs CoastSmart Choice LawCOFFS HARBOUR6656 1555
Mid North CoastCooney Harvey Doney LawyersKEMPSEY6562 6000
Mid North CoastDonovan Oates HannafordPORT MACQUARIE6583 0400
Mid North CoastSheridan LegalKEMPSEY6566 6250
Mid North CoastStacks Law FirmTAREE6592 6540
NewcastleBaker LoveWALLSEND4944 3322
NewcastleBale Boshev LawyersHAMILTON1800 627 488
NewcastleBerryman PartnersCHARLESTOWN4943 3988
NewcastleHalyburton LegalBELMONT4948 9311
NewcastleHalyburton LegalTORONTO4948 9311
NewcastleHalyburton LegalWARNERS BAY4948 9311
NewcastleKeystone LawyersNEWCASTLE4915 9950
NewcastleO’Brien Winter PartnersNEWCASTLE4949 2000
NewcastleOsborn LawNEWCASTLE4927 2900
NewcastlePeter Evans & AssociatesNEWCASTLE4926 4788
NewcastleSparke HelmoreNEWCASTLE4924 7200
NewcastleStacey McAllan LegalNEWCASTLE6742 2122
NewcastleTyler Sharpe + AssociatesTHE JUNCTION4969 5222
Northern RiversMitchell Playford & RadburnCASINO6662 1522
Northern RiversParker & KissaneBALLINA6681 4155
Northern RiversParker & KissaneCASINO6662 1755
Northern RiversParker & KissaneKYOGLE6632 1811
Northern RiversParker & KissaneLISMORE6621 7575
Northern RiversSomerville Laundry LomaxBALLINA6686 2522
Northern RiversSomerville Laundry LomaxLISMORE6621 2481
Northern RiversSomerville Laundry LomaxBYRON BAY6680 8525
Port StephensAshby Estate LawSALAMANDER BAY0490 030 039
TamworthAPJ - ArmidaleARMIDALE6730 2222
TamworthAPJ - Glen InnesGLEN INNES6730 2222
TamworthCarr Legal*TAMWORTH6766 4784
TamworthMcArthur Legal ServicesGUNNEDAH6742 0422
TamworthStacey McAllan LegalGUNNEDAH6742 2122
TenterfieldJennings & KneippTENTERFIELD6736 1466
TweedAttwood Marshall LawyersCOOLANGATTA07 55369777
TweedMcDonald and PartnersMURWILLUMBAH6672 1266
Upper HunterAqua Legal & ConveyancingSINGLETON1300 025 962
Upper HunterAqua Legal & ConveyancingMAITLAND1300 025 962
Upper HunterCurtis Gant BettsMUSWELLBROOK6543 2433
Upper HunterEmery PartnersDANGAR4016 5111
Upper HunterHunter Legal and ConveyancingMAITLAND1300 224 828
Upper HunterKate Mailer & AssociatesSCONE6545 1933
Upper HunterMcAllister Legal ServiceKURRI KURRI02 4936 4948
Upper HunterUmbrella LegalSINGLETON6512 6618